If you are suffering from TMJ pain, Restor Dental is here to help. With our TMJ Therapy options, we can help you attain better health and wellness.
TMJ Therapy
What is TMJ?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), connecting your lower jaw to your skull on either side of your head, allows you to open and close your mouth, as well as move your jaw side to side. While most people have no issues with their TMJ, for some people problems arise that cause extreme pain and affect their overall health. Problems associated with the movement of the jaw, and pain in and around the jaw, are called temporomandibular disorders (TMD), which is caused when the TMJ becomes stressed or overworked.
Treatment for TMJ issue
The ultimate goal is to relieve your pain and discomfort and address any damage associated with your TMD. While treatment can involve several different health care professionals, and no single treatment has proven universally effective for all patients, many patients need to try several treatments before finding relief. Restor Dental will try and determine the root cause of your TMD, and come up with an individualized treatment plan for your unique needs.
Night Guards: We are pleased to offer custom Night Guards that help support the jaw joint, teeth, and muscles in a beneficial position and help ease the discomfort and pain associated with TMJ. These appliances are custom made plastic mouthguards that go over your teeth at night to help realign the jaw and ease any pain associated with the alignment. They also help to protect the surface of teeth against the premature wear and tear resulting from teeth grinding before there is permanent damage to teeth. They can also help to reduce headaches, and face, neck, shoulder, arm, and back pain by shutting off muscle activity and allowing overworked muscles to relax.
Botox: We are pleased to offer botox treatment to help ease the pain associated with TMD. When botox is injected into certain muscles of the face and jaw, it helps relax tense jaw muscles and limits muscle function and can therefore relieve pain associated with TMJ. Once headaches, face and jaw pain, swelling and overall discomfort are under control, you can better address other outside stressors that increase TMD symptoms.
Restor Dental is here to help with your TMJ/TMD therapy, so you can minimize your symptoms and improve your overall health and wellness. If you have any questions about TMJ/TMD, or you are experiencing frequent jaw pain coupled with any other symptoms of TMD and would like to set up an appointment, please give our dedicated Restor Dental team a call at (403) 837-6070 and we will be happy to help!
Book Online
We look forward to hearing from you soon! Call Restor Dental at (437) 837-6070 to set up your TMJ Therapy appointment today!